Coffee, Chocolate, & Men...(MATURE,ML) WIP by RaychelBelle
After a rather upsetting experience, I needed some major *fluff*, and finally felt comfortable enough to post this fic...Hope you enjoy. Author: Raychel Summary: Isabel Harding had always said that...
View ArticleRe: Coffee, Chocolate, & Men...(MATURE,ML) WIP by RaychelBelle
Part Two "So, where is she this week?" Maria asked wryly as she rounded the counter, her arms loaded with Styrofoam cups. With an expelled breath, she dumped the cups on the counter, each emitting a...
View ArticleRe: Coffee, Chocolate, & Men...(MATURE,ML) WIP by RaychelBelle
Part Three Liz exited the kitchen via the swinging door and entered the employees' lounge. She glared at the clock nailed up high on the wall as it ticked by another precious minute. Fiercely, she...
View ArticleRe: Coffee, Chocolate, & Men...(MATURE,ML) WIP by RaychelBelle
Part Four It was no surprise whatsoever that Tess climbed the stairs victorious that night. She was tenacious when it came to competitions, and had used whatever means necessary to assure she won the...
View ArticleRe: Coffee, Chocolate, & Men...(MATURE,ML) WIP by RaychelBelle
Part Five Silently, Tess crept up the stairs that led to bedroom floor. She had no idea what time it was, only that the sun was just now stretching its sleepy arms and allowing tiny rays of sunlight...
View ArticleRe: Coffee, Chocolate, & Men...(MATURE,ML) WIP by RaychelBelle
Part Six "I'll get it!!" The shrill cry that pierced both Maria and Liz's eardrums could only have belonged to Tess. The petite blonde launching herself airborne, and landing bodily across the couch...
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